Payment & Security

Payment Methods

PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Maestro, and American Express are accepted online for payment by FriendsMerchandise. To ensure your complete protection, we also accept online payments through PayPal.

No credit or debit card information should be emailed to us. If you include card information in an email, we cannot be held liable for any loss.

Billing term and condition

In addition, we obtain certain information when you create or attempt to create an account, such as your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information (including credit card numbers), and email address. This information is referred to as “Order Information”.

Security Payment

When you buy a product from FriendsMerchandise, this Security Payment Policy explains how your card(s) will be protected.

Secure checkout process

FriendsMerchandise and the card issuer verify and authorize all credit and debit cards. Fraud prevention and security are of paramount importance to us. With the latest security features, you can trust that the information you provide about your credit card, debit card, contact information, and shipping and bill information is safe and secure. Secure environments allow transactions to be processed by banks that use trusted and secured gateways. Using our secure banks, our customers can also access a 3D secure system. This technology was invented to avoid NOC (No Card Present) fraud schemes.

In order to make online payments as safe as possible, FriendsMerchandise takes all necessary steps to ensure your privacy. All personal information such as a name, address, or credit card number is encrypted in this manner so that it cannot be read while being transmitted over the Internet.